Main Numbers
No. of matches | All winners | UK winners | Prize per UK winner | UK cash prize fund |
Match 5 + 2 Stars | 1 | 1 | £57,975,367.70 | £57,975,367.70 |
Match 5 + 1 Star | 1 | 0 | £0.00 | £0.00 |
Match 5 | 3 | 1 | £39,833.70 | £39,833.70 |
Match 4 + 2 Stars | 20 | 3 | £2,922.50 | £8,767.50 |
Match 4 + 1 Star | 622 | 147 | £100.20 | £14,729.40 |
Match 3 + 2 Stars | 1,218 | 331 | £71.40 | £23,633.40 |
Match 4 | 1,444 | 383 | £34.10 | £13,060.30 |
Match 2 + 2 Stars | 17,955 | 4,642 | £12.60 | £58,489.20 |
Match 3 + 1 Star | 27,562 | 6,922 | £8.70 | £60,221.40 |
Match 3 | 62,996 | 15,668 | £7.20 | £112,809.60 |
Match 1 + 2 Stars | 95,468 | 24,508 | £6.70 | £164,203.60 |
Match 2 + 1 Star | 401,436 | 98,862 | £4.80 | £474,537.60 |
Match 2 | 910,841 | 224,892 | £2.60 | £584,719.20 |
UK Millionaire Maker | 2 | 2 | £1,000,000.00 | £2,000,000.00 |
Totals | 1,519,569 | 376,362 | £61,530,372.60 |
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